5.5. Response

A response is a type of registry and a registry is a type of array object in which, we are dealing with one property which is an array. Every method in an array object helps interacting with that object like a native array and with a registry, every method is designed to make it easier to manipulate the contents of an array. Particularly, a registry contains methods to manage a multi dimensional array. Since a response contains header, status, content, etc. a response object deals with these like a registry as well. But at the end of the day, a registry is a glorified array.

Remember Routes Uses Responses
cradle()->get('/create/user', function($response, $response) {
    //Do something here

To see what’s inside of a response, you can simply echo it out like the following.

echo $response;

And it will show JSON like the one representing this page.

    "headers": {
        "Content-Type": "text\/plain"
    "code": 200,
    "header": {
        "Status": "200 OK",
    "json": {
        "error": false,
        "results": {
            "menu": {
                "#registry": "Registry",
                "#methods": "Response Methods",
    "content": "Hello, World"

To access the "Registry" in the above JSON, you can do so in many ways

$response->get('json', 'results', 'menu', '#registry');


$response->getJson('results', 'menu', '#registry');

$response->getResults('menu', '#registry');

Like wise, setting that same path to "Introduction" can be done like this.

$response->set('body', 'results', 'menu', '#registry', 'Introduction');

$response->setDot('body.results.menu.#registry', 'Introduction');

$response->setJson('results', 'menu', '#registry', 'Introduction');

$response->setResults('menu', '#registry', 'Introduction');

Removing that path is similar as well.

$response->remove('json', 'results', 'menu', '#registry');


$response->removeJson('results', 'menu', '#registry');

$response->removeResults('menu', '#registry');

And checking for data can be like this.

$response->exists('json', 'results', 'menu', '#registry');


$response->hasJson('results', 'menu', '#registry');

$response->hasResults('menu', '#registry');
 If you have an actual `.` in your path, you can change the delimeter like `$response->getDot('body-results-menu-#registry', '-');`

5.5.1. Response Methods

A response holds the results of a request and determines the format of the output. Typically kinds of responses are HTML and JSON however any output type is supported.

Image Response
$response->addHeader('Content-Type', 'image/png');
$response->setContent('<image data here>')


Content in the response will be considered to be outputted first, but when it is not set, by default the JSON data will be the latter choice. Setting content can be done in the following way.

$response->setContent('Hello, World');

When an array is passed to $response->setContent(['foo' => 'bar']), the content will automatically transform it to JSON_PRETTYPRINT format.

For both the content and the JSON, the following methods can help build a response that can be outputted.

$response->isContentFlat(); //is it a string or array?

$response->addValidation(...$args, $value);


$response->setResults(...$args, $value);


$response->setError(true, $message);

$response->getContent(true); //if the content is an array make it into json



5.5.2. API

load - Loads a default response data

$request->load(); ContentTrait

getContent - Returns the content body


hasContent - Returns true if there’s content


setContent - Sets the content

$response->setContent('foobar'); HeaderTrait

addHeader - Adds a header parameter

$response->addHeader('Content-Type', 'text/html');


getHeaders - Returns either the header value given the name or the all headers

$response->getHeaders('Content-Type', 'text/html');

removeHeaders - Removes either the header value given the name or the all headers

$response->removeHeaders('Content-Type'); PageTrait

addMeta - Adds a page meta item

$response->addMeta('description', 'foobar');

getFlash - Returns flash data

$response->getFlash(); //--> ['message' => 'foobar', 'type' => 'success']

getMeta - Returns page meta data

$response->getMeta('description'); //--> 'foobar'

getPage - Returns parts of the page data or the entire page data

$response->getPage('meta'); //--> ['description' => 'foobar']
$response->getPage('meta', 'description'); //--> 'foobar'
$response->getPage('title'); //--> 'foobar'
$response->getPage('flash'); //--> ['message' => 'foobar', 'type' => 'success']
$response->getPage('flash', 'message'); //--> 'foobar'


hasPage - Returns parts of the page data or the entire page data

$response->hasPage('meta', 'description');
$response->hasPage('flash', 'message');


removePage - Removes parts of the page data or the entire page data

$response->removePage('meta', 'description');
$response->removePage('flash', 'message');


setFlash - Sets a Page flash

$response->setFlash('Just letting you know');

$response->setFlash('Something went wrong', 'error');
$response->setFlash('Just letting you know', 'info');
$response->setFlash('Something went good', 'success');

setPage - Sets parts of the page data or the entire page data

    'title' => 'foobar',
    'meta' => ['description' => 'foobar'],
    'flash' => ['message' => 'Just letting you know', 'type' => 'info']

$response->setPage('meta', 'description', 'foobar');
$response->setPage('title', 'foobar');
$response->setPage('flash', ['message' => 'Just letting you know', 'type' => 'info']);
$response->setPage('flash', 'message', 'Just letting you know');


setTitle - Sets the page title


//... RestTrait

addValidation - Adds a JSON validation message or sets all the validations

$response->addValidation(['post_title' => 'Cannot be empty']);
$response->addValidation('post_title', 'Cannot be empty');

getResults - Returns parts of the results or the entire JSON result set

    'error' => false,
    'message' => 'A message',
    'validation' => [
        'post_title' => 'Cannot be empty'
    'results' => [
        'post_title' => 'A Title named Foo Bar'

$response->getResults('error'); //--> false
$response->getResults('validation', 'post_title'); //--> 'Cannot be empty'


getMessage - Returns the message

$response->getMessage(); //--> 'A message'

getMessageType - Returns the message type

$response->getMessageType(); //--> 'error' | 'success' | 'info'

getValidation - Returns parts of the validation or the entire validation data

$response->getValidation(); //--> ['post_title' => 'Cannot be empty']
$response->getValidation('post_title'); //--> 'Cannot be empty'

hasJson - Returns true if the given part exists or if there’s JSON data at all

$response->hasJson(); //--> true
$response->hasJson('validation'); //--> true
$response->hasJson('validation', 'post_title'); //--> true


hasMessage - Returns true if a message was set


hasResults - Returns true if the given part exists or if there’s JSON results data at all


hasValidation - Returns true if the given part exists or if there’s JSON validation data at all


isError - Returns true if the JSON data is an error set


isSuccess - Returns true if the JSON data is a successful set


removeResults - Removes parts of the results or the entire JSON result set


$response->removeResults('validation', 'post_title');

removeValidation - Removes parts of the validation or the entire JSON validation set



setError - Sets a JSON error message

$response->setError(true, 'An error message');
$response->setError(false, 'A success message');

setResults - Sets parts of the results or the entire JSON result set

$response->setResults(['post_title' => 'A Title named Foo Bar']);

$response->setResults('post_title', 'A Title named Foo Bar'); StatusTrait

getStatus - Returns the status code

$response->getStatus(); //--> 200

setStatus - Sets a status code

$response->setStatus(200, '200 OK');